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The Use Of Slang by The Main Characters in “P.S. I Still Love You” Movie

This study was mainly intended to analyze the use of slang by the main characters in “P.S.I Still Love You” movie. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics, types and functions of each slang words that found in the movie. This study uses descriptive qualitative approach. The writer uses the theory of characteristics by Chapel and London, theory of types by Eric Partridge, and theory of function by Yanchun and Yanhong, and the writer also uses the theory by Allan and Burridge to find the function. The data are collected from “P.S. I Still Love You” movie. The result of this study, the writer found twelve slang words, the writer also found that there are three characteristics of slang in the movie; Creativity, Flippant, and Imitative. There are also only three types from eleven types that are found in the movie used by the main characters; Public house slang, Slang in public school and university and Society slang. The writer also found the function; emotive feeling of the slang users, to initiate relax conversation, to humiliate and to address.
SK.ING Mis 111 2021
SK.ING Mis 111 2021
Universitas Widya Kartika