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Speech Function Used by Donald Trump in His Speeches About Coronavirus

This study was mainly intended to analyze speech functions found in Donald Trump speeches about coronavirus. The objectives of the study are to find speech functions are used by Donald Trump in his speeches about coronavirus and to describe the context of speech functions that used by Donald Trump in his speeches about coronavirus. This study uses descriptive qualitative approach. It is categorized as discourse analysis because this study focuses on analysis the phenomena of utterances in speech. The data are collected from the utterances of Trump in his speeches about coronavirus. The researcher uses Holmes’s theory to analyze speech functions and Hymes’ theory to describe the context of the speech functions. The result of this study shows there are only seven from eight types of speech functions categorized by Holmes that found in Trump’s speeches about coronavirus. They are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, poetic and commissive functions of language.
SK.ING Tam 98 2020
SK.ING Tam 98 2020
Universitas Widya Kartika