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Deconstruction Of Woman’s Gender Stereotype In Philippa Gregory’s The Other Boleyn Girl

History positions a person or character sometimes from just one side of the eye and sometimes also presents something that is superfluous from the facts. Even the gender stereotype attached to the female figure named Anne Boleyn is clearly seen in history written by Paul Friedmann, 1884 entitled “Anne Boleyn” A chapter of English History 1527-1536. Gender stereotype is a labeling, giving a stamp or identity, which is given by a gender group based on the assumption of the community. This gender stereotype will be an interesting discussion of the title of this study. This study discusses gender stereotypes that are attached to the female figure. The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of different perspectives in historical facts and historical novels in which historical novels deconstruct social problems such as gender stereotypes in The Other Boleyn Girl. Historical novels tend to present historical facts that are different from the historical version. Then, history only shows that historical version. Consequently, this study focuses on how historical novels construct historical facts rather than facts in history itself.
Siane Juliana (61414017) - Personal Name
SK.ING Jul 86 2018
SK.ING Jul 86 2018
Universitas Widya Kartika