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Dissociative Identity Disorder In “Split” Movie

This study examined how are the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) suffered by the main character, what the impacts of it and also how viewers respond to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) represent in the movie. This research used Psychological approach and Reader response approach. One of the parts of psychological approach is Dissociative Identity Disorder theory. This study applied Dissociative Identity Disorder by Elizabeth Howell theory. Besides, intrinsic elements consist of theories of conflict by Edgar Roberts and the main source of the data that used in this study in Split movie. In Readers Response approach, theory by Louis Rosenblatt to examine how readers response about Dissociative Identity Disorder through Split movie and also cognitive and emotion theory by Plantinga and Smith used to analyze how the character of the movie can affect someone’s minds and emotion. Based on findings in the analysis, the lead male character reflected how DID is and what the impacts of it. This research is expected to provide a better understanding about DID especially the other researcher in the same field of the study. In the conclusion it can be concluded that the lead male character represents DID from Split movie based on the first statement of the problem, what the impact that caused by DID from the second statement of the problem and also from the third statement of the problem this research it can be concluded about the viewers’ response to DID represented in the movie.
Melanie (61414004) - Personal Name
SK.ING Mel 78 2018
SK.ING Mel 78 2018
Universitas Widya Kartika