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Comparison between the Internet Common Features Used by Male and Female Commenters on 9gag Account in Instagram

This thesis shows how the internet has brought impact towards people especially to them who are active in social media. One of the impacts than can be seen clearly is the use of written language. In dealing with written language, this thesis discusses about the internet common features used by 9gag commenters both male and female. Furthermore in this thesis, the writer tries to find common language features used by male and female commenters in 9gag account in Instagram. 9gag itself is actually a website which uploads and shows funny pictures and videos about certain occasion. To have more visitors, one of their marketing strategies is by making an account in Instagram. Upon this account, all of their followers can see the pictures and videos this website has uploaded before and then give their comments. In doing this research about finding the features used by male and female commenters, the writer uses quantitative method. The writer takes 1000 comments for this research, 500 comments from male commenters and 500 comments from female commenters. The 1000 comments itself came from 3 pictures and 2 videos that were selected by the writer from 9gag account in Instagram before. For each photo and video, the writer takes 100 comments as a sample in this study, so in this case the writer collected 500 comments from male and female commenters. Furthermore, in finding the reason why male and female commenters have a tendency to use different language features, the writer uses qualitative method to interpret any single possibility.
SK.ING Ong 74 2017
SK.ING Ong 74 2017
Universitas Widya Kartika