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Rhetorical Proofs In the Inaugural Speeches of the United States Presidents and the First Statement Speeches of the United Kingdom Prime Ministers

This is a research on rhetorical proofs in inaugural speech of United States presidents and first statement speech of United Kingdom prime ministers. Both of the countries have different government systems which are democracy and monarchy. The objective of this thesis are to find out the rhetorical proofs used in the last three inaugural speech of United States presidents and first statement speech of United Kingdom prime ministers and what the most common rhetorical proof being used in speech from each country. Along with this research, the following methods are involved: data collecting, data classifying, analyzing and comparing to see the pattern. In classifying data, the utterances of the speech are placed into table. In analyzing the utterances, the theory of discourse and rhetoric are employed. Verderber constructs the three rhetorical proofs which are logos, ethos and pathos that applied to analyze the utterances of the speech. This research leads to conclusion that the last three United States presidents use logos, pathos and ethos in their inaugural speech. Meanwhile, in United Kingdom prime ministers, David Cameron and Theresa May are the ones who used the three rhetorical proofs. The most common rhetorical proof used in US and UK is pathos or emotional proof.
SK.ING Ari 70 2016
SK.ING Ari 70 2016
Universitas Widya Kartika