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Types of Language Function Used by the Winners of Miss World and Universe in 2006-2016

Language Function is one of the most important and significant medium that is used among social life. It is mostly used by people in communication and do interaction in their daily social life. Nowadays, Women are no longer as second class under men but many of them can be public figure to show that they are equal with man even they can give more value to the world like Miss World and Miss Universe. Youngsters woman normally dominate Beauty pageant to show that they have 3 aspect Beauty, Brain and Behavior. In addition, they also have good communication to answering well the questions from the judges and it can be traced that the winners of beauty pageant have their own way in selecting their Language Function. Thus, based on that above descrition the problems formulated as follows: first is what the types of language functions found are used by Miss World and Universe questions-answers session and second is What the most frequently language function are used. The research design applied in this study is descriptive annalitative research. It described the existing phenomena or the Language Function used by the Winners of Miss World and Miss Universe 2006-2016. The result of this study shows that the winners of Miss World and Miss Universe tend to use the variety of Language Function and with one are most used. In conclusion, they use almost all of Language Functions.
SK.ING Pra 66 2017
SK.ING Pra 66 2017
Universitas Widya Kartika