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The Formation Adjectives In English

This is a research about specific adjective formation in English. Grammar itself is a study of language according to its rule or formula. In relation to the problem formulated in this study are : (1) How are the form adjectives in English. (2) How to use adjectives in English. The objectives of this study are to use the formation adjective and compound adjectives for better grammar in English. Then writer dividing the formation adjective into 3 point is Affixes, Suffixes, and Prefixes. Moreover, in analyzing the problemsthe writer use from Michael Swan (2005:XIX) to explain. The methodologies in this research are consist of the method that is used by the writer is qualitative descriptive method, because it is an appropriate approach for his study to support the validity of this research and to analyze the obtained data which are in the form of qualitative in nature. The sources of data are from The Jakarta Post newspaper in English language. The result shows there are 3 point form of adjective to divide from the base word writer take from newspaper The Jakarta Post edition January until August at 2017 about business news topic. This work which includes grammar, adjectives, affixes, prefixes, suffixes.
SK.ING Tan 65 2017
SK.ING Tan 65 2017
Universitas Widya Kartika