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Halliday’s Language Function and Its Effectiveness in Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign Speeches

This study was mainly intended to analyze language functions found in Obama presidential campaign speeches, as he is the first Afro-American to hold the position as the President of the United States. His second term as president in 2008 and 2012 caught attention from all over the world. Many people interested in his speeches because there are many from them represent the use of language function. Therefore, the main objectives of this research are (i) to find out the types of language function in Barack Obama’s presidential Campaign speeches (ii) to find out language function which support his effective communication. This study applied content analysis as research design to analyse four Obama’s campaign speeches. It is found that there are six types of language function used in Obama’s speech, they are: instrumental function, regulatory function, representational function, interactional function, personal function, and imaginative function. Instrumental and representational function are mostly used in Obama’s campaign speeches. In realation with the types of language function, there are four from five elements of effective communication that are supported by language function.
SK.AK ING 54 2016
SK.AK ING 54 2016
Universitas Widya Kartika