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An Illocutionary Act in Barack Obama’s Speech

This research focuses in Barack Obama’s speech. According to Intania (2015), speech is an activity of speaking on public or giving speeches to express their opinions or to give an idea about something. The objectives of this thesis are to find out what kinds of illocutionary acts and to describe how illocutionary acts mostly used in the speech. Austin’s speech act theory and Searle’s kind of illocutionary act are applied. In carrying out this research, the following steps are involved: collecting and making classification of the utterance based on five kinds of illocutionary act, calculating the percentage of each kind of illocutionary acts used, making percentage chart to computation, analyzing how illocutionary act used, calculating the percentage mean and presenting in the single chart, and explaining how kinds of illocutionary act mostly used. The results of this research show that all kinds of illocutionary act which include representative act, commissive act, directive act, expressive act, and declaration act are used in Barack Obama’s speeches. And the mostly used in the speeches is directive act. The way Obama to create peace is by using directive act in term of inviting Turkey and Cairo to make partnership in education, economic, technology and religious freedom, inviting Egypt and Turk to share everything openly and to plan the progress together, etc.
Nur Hidayati (61413024) - Personal Name
SK.ING Hid 48 2016
SK.ING Hid 48 2016
Universitas Widya Kartika