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The Influence of Product, Brand, Promotion, Distribution, Price,Segmentation and Service Quality on Consumer Buying Decision of Toyota Avanza

Toyota is a giant in the automotive industry. It always rank among the top in every market in the world. In Indonesia Toyota with its MPV Avanza dominated the market for many years. Avanza is an example of the dominance of seven seating Multi-Purpose Vehicles or MPV, which is attracting the most buyers in Indonesia (source: EIBN Sector Reports: Automotive). Avanza has stood at the top since its production; it has reached its highest market share 2013 with a market share of 17.5% (Bestsellingcarsblog data full year 2013). Toyota Avanza is so successful among customers. Is it the car itself that make people buy? Or some information receive somewhere or a certain service and convenience? To determine what about Toyota Avanza attracted the consumer to make purchase the researcher came up with the question research: Does the product, brand, promotion, segmentation, distribution and price and service quality on consumer behavior toward Toyota Avanza? Which one has the dominant influence? The respondents are those using Toyota Avanza in East Surabaya and numerous statistical method were used to meet the objectives. The findings reveal that product, brand, promotion, segmentation, distribution, price and service quality simultaneously affect the consumer behavior. The result of the research should increase understanding on what influence the consumer behavior.
SK..EKO Nan 216 2016
SK..EKO Nan 216 2016
Skripsi Program Studi Manajemen
viii-78 hal.;29cm