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The Influenced Of Product, Promotion, Price, Distribution, And Service Quality Towards Consumer’s Buying Decision Asus Notebook At Hi-Tech Mall Surabaya

Notebook Asus is one of notebook brand that is well known in Indonesia.
Notebook Asus has managed to achieve the highest position in the fourth quarter
of 2013, which stood at a market share of 26.1% (DATA IDC 2013). With quality
products, promotions, reasonable prices, Asus can outperform their competitors,
especially in the Hi-Tech Mall, the largest IT center in Surabaya, East Java. To
find out more on the factors that show why the sale of Asus laptops can be No. 1.
Based on the background of the problem, writer decided to research "The
Influence of Product, Promotion, Price, Distribution and Service Quality towards
Consumer’s Buying Decision Asus Notebook at Hi-Tech Mall Surabaya". The
purpose of this study is to determine the effect of product, promotion, price,
distribution and quality of service towards consumers buying decision Asus
notebook. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS. The
results shows that simultaneous product, promotion, pricing, distribution, and
quality of service influence the consumer's decision to buy a laptop Asus in Hi-
Tech Mall Surabaya. Partially product, price, distribution, and quality of service
influence the consumer's decision to buy a laptop Asus in Hi-Tech Mall Surabaya,
but partially promotion does not affect the consumer's decision to buy a laptop
Asus in Hi-Tech Mall Surabaya. Price is not the dominant influence on the
consumer's decision to buy a laptop Asus in Hi-Tech Mall Surabaya, but the
dominant influence is the quality of service.

SK.EKO Go 215 2015
SK.EKO Go 215 2015
Skripsi Program Studi Manajemen
Universitas Widya Kartika