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Analisis pengaruh Rasio Cael terhadap return saham pada Bank Umum milik swasta devisa dan non devisa yang terdaftar di BEI.

Indonesia’s economic growth conditions showed positive growth in the middle of the global financial conditions which have not improved yet due to the debt crisis in Europe and weakening of the United States Economy. It is underlying this research on the influence of the CAEL ratio with stock return of banks in Indonesia.
This research aimed to analyze the effect of CAEL ratio on stock return of Private Owned Commercial Foreign Exchange Bank and Non-Exchange Bank listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data used in this research is secondary data consisting of financial reports and annual reports of Private Owned Commercial Foreign Exchange Bank and Non-Exchange Bank listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange.
CAEL ratio were used in this research are KAP, CAR, BOPO, and LDR.. This research uses multiple regression analysis method to analyze the data. From analysis in this research, found that there are no correlation or effect of CAEL ratio on stock return of Private Owned Commercial Foreign Exchange Bank and Non-Exchange Bank listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange, neither partial nor overall.
Global financial conditions which have not improved yet due to the debt crisis in Europe and weakening of the United States Economy in 2011 caused CAEL ratio has no effect on stock return in the research period. Based on Banking Supervision Reports, note that there are many challenges facing Indonesian banks during the research period.
Keywords : CAEL Ratio Analysis, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing
Earning Assets, Operating Expense to Operating Income, Loans to Deposit Ratio, Stock Return, Banking

Ak.Ak.Erl 107 215
Ak.Ak.Erl 107 215
Skripsi Program Studi Akuntansi
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvi,62 hal.;29 cm.