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Racism upon the hero as seen in william shakespeare’s Othello

Jayaputra, Lianto. 2014. Racism upon the Hero as Seen in William Shakespeare’s
Othello. S-1 Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Language Education
and Letters, Widya Kartika University, Surabaya. Advisor I: Drs. Triyanto
Siswantono, M.Pd. Advisor II: Eka Fadilah, SS., M.Pd.
This study analyzes racism upon the hero as seen in William Shakespeare’s Othello. The analysis is focused on two problems: firstly interm of the minor characters’s reaction to Othello’s appearance and secondly, the Othello’s response to the minor characters’s reaction toward his skin color. This study applies qualitative research and uses literary approach to analyze the data. By using literary approach, this study uses the theory character and characterization, and the theory of conflict. The scope of this study is the minor characters reaction to the main character, Othello and the response of Othello toward minor character’s reaction merely refers to Iago. The analysis of the finding taken from the speech in the drama script as the evidence of the case that would be analyzed. The first result shows that this study finds out the racism utterance by minor characters such as: hatred, anger, and jealousy. The second result shows the issue of Othello’s blackness brings conflict to his household.

Sk. Ing Jay 29 2014
Sk. Ing Jay 29 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
viii, 40 hal; 29cm