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The Compliments Used by Music Teacher in A Music School

Tiaman, Ryan Theaven, 61410015. The Compliments Used by Music Teacher in a Music School. S1. Thesis. English Department Faculty of Language Education and Letters, Widya Kartika University Surabaya. Advisor I: Drs. Triyanto Siswantono, Advisor II: M.Pd Yulius Kurniawan, S.Pd, M.Pd.
During the teaching-learning process, moreover within the classroom interaction the teacher may give some tasks to his students in order to be done or performed well. This common interaction also occurs in a music school. Very often the teacher gave the students tasks and if they could respond or answer the teacher’s instruction well, the teacher gave compliments to them. This is done in order to motivate them or to appreciate them for their efforts. However, the teacher gave the compliments to the students in different ways.
Based on the background of the study above, the writer formulated problems (1) what are complimenting expressions used by the music teacher given to the students during the music classroom interaction?, and (2) How does the music teacher distinguish to give compliment to the different ability level of the students during the music class. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative because with the consideration that the writer describe the existing phenomena that is the compliments given to the music students during the classroom The result of this study is that the teacher used good, very good, quite good excellent or even he sometimes may not use any complimenting expressions. The types of complimenting expressions were differentiated to each level ability of students whether they are low, mid or high ability students in performing their music lessons.

Sk. Ing Tia 28 2014
Sk. Ing Tia 28 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
vi, 62 hal; 29cm