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Status Alternation Experienced By Sayuri In Arthur Golden’s Memoirs Of A Geisha


Kho Yu Li, 2014. Status Alternation experienced by Sayuri in Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha. Advisor I: Eka Fadilah, SS.,M.Pd., and Advisor II: Nopita Trihastutie, SS.,MA.

This study primarily deals with Arthur Golden’s work, Memoirs of a Geisha. The most striking point in this study note in this novel is Sayuri’s status alternation. In relevance to this, this study discusses about the causes and also the impacts towards herself and other people around her. This study only focuses Sayuri’s status alternation from maid to be a geisha. Moreover, this study applies qualitative research and uses literary approach and psychoanalitic approach to analyze the data. By using literary approach, this study uses the theory of character and characterization, and the theory of conflict. By using pscyhoanalitic approach, this study uses the theory of psycholgical needs. This study also uses the concept of status alternation in order to analyze Sayuri’s status alternation. After doing the analysis, this study finds out the causes that motivate Sayuri to get status alternation are need for affiliation, power, achievement, and money. After Sayuri be a geisha, Sayuri become materialistics, obedience, selfish and dauntless. Furthermore, this study also finds out that the changes in Sayuri’s character also give impacts to others’s character.

Kho Yu Li (6141002) - Personal Name
Sk. Ing Kho 23 2014
Sk. Ing Kho 23 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xii, 53 hal; 29cm