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The Sexual life of Carrie Bradshaw in Candace bushnell’s the carrie diaries

Masda C. C. Pangerapan, Jaqline. 2014. The Sexual Life of Carrie Bradshaw in Candace Bushnell’s The Carrie Diaries. S-1 Thesis. English Department of Faculty of Language Education and Letters. Widya Kartika University Surabaya. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. FD Kurnia, M.Pd, Advisor II: Drs. Triyanto Siswantoro, M. Pd.).

The research contains a description about an analysis of Carrie Bradshaw's sexual life in Candace Bushell’s The Carrie Diaries. The writer wants to give a brief explanation about sexual life as a part of unpopular literature for common pepole nowadays. Therefore, the research determined a brief of matters to answer the problems happened on this research which is describe the sexual activities of Carrie Bradshaw and the influence of Carrie's girl friends sexual life toward Carrie. The research focused on the sexual life of the female's main role, Carrie Bradshaw with her lovemates and the influence from her friends. Moreover, the benefit of the research is to give information about the novel of Candace Bushnell as a modern American female writer that gives a learning reference about sexuality on teenagers and information needed for the next research about sexuality on teenagers. The research used an approach to the characters and characterisation to analyze Carrie's traits to her lovemates and girl friends. An approach to the teenager's sexual trait was done by analyzing sexual's life of Carrie with her lovemates, clique approach by analysing the impact of Carrie's girl friends' sexual lifes toward hers, and pyscoanalytic approach by analyzing Carrie's decision about her sexual activities. In addition, the research method used in this research is content analysis method on research plan, primary and secondary data as the resources, reading repetition process and observation through the whole novel The Carrie Diaries as the technique to collect data, and used a theory that has been determined as data analysis technique Furthermore, based on the analysis in this research, it is proved that Carrie's sexual life reached the making out phase and that case was influenced by her girl friend's sexual lifes. This thing also shows that Carrie did some considerations about her sexual life based on psychoanalytic approach on id, ego, and superego by Sigmund Freud

Sk. Ing Pan 22 2014
Sk. Ing Pan 22 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xi, 71 hal ;29cm