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Indian Myth Of A Tiger In Colleen Houck’s Novel Tiger Curse

Amelia Soetrisno, 61411020. Indian Myth of Tiger in Collen Houck’s Novel Tiger's Curse, Advisor Drs. Djoko Soloeh Marhaen, M.A, and Eka Fadilah, SS. M.Pd English Department, Faculty of Language Education and Letters, Widya Kartika University Surabaya
This thesis is the study of Indian mythology of tiger reflected in the novel Tiger's Curse. The problems that arise in this is (1). What is mythology and the connection with Indian mythology of tiger to society? (2). What is the significance of Indian mythology to the society in the story? And also in this study tries to analyse the tiger as the soul of India.
Basically myths were stories that talk about important things and subject matter that was more difficult to understand. Mythology deals with God and humankind’s quest to answer the big questions concerning the nature of the divine, the nature of reality, the human condition, higher powers and our relationship to those higher powers. they deal with the meaning of life.
In her novel Tiger's curse Colleen Houcks encourages to further pursuit Indian mythology. Because Indian mythology has fascinating side that makes us wonder.

SK. Ing Sut 21 2014
SK. Ing Sut 21 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
ix, 49 hal; 29cm