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Pengajaran bahasa Mandarin tentang benda-benda di langit menggunakan gambar puzzle dan puisi untuk siswa kelas V SDK Kristus Raja Surabaya

To help the student if interest Chinese study and take the material with easy to practical choose the puzzle picture because the puzzle picture can be increase to think knowledge and make the student can concentrate study in patient practical can. However, in thesis, I can be practical a title “the study of Chinese language about things in the sky with use the puzzle picture and the poem to class the student fifth class elementary in “SDK Kristus Raja in Surabaya”. In RPP 1, the student can study some of vocabulary, such as : 日rì,月yuè,星xīng,云yún. In the study RPP 1 use media flash card such as : the character 汉字 and the picture. In the teach of practical RPP 2 use the vocabulary which in RPP 1, such as : 日rì,月yuè,星xīng,云yún. The material of use in the poem structure and the gesture in the poem see of SKBM which use of SDK Kristus Raja Surabaya is sixty from thirty seven of the student who allow the first study is eighty percents of the student who use of SKBM and twenty percents of the student who do not use SKBM, although the second study seventy percents of the student use SKBM and thrity percents of the student do not use of SKBM. From the result of analysis, can conclusion that the result of study about the student of Chinese language about the things in the sky use the puzzle picture and poem which can gesture, the result is success from the activities of use of puzzle picture nd the poem that can help the student can be understand and know the vocabulary of student. The

Sari (61109023) - Personal Name
TA. BT Sar 58 2014
TA. BT Sar 58 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 77 hal; 29cm