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Analisa kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata stuktural “ 得” sebagai Complement of State dalam bahasa mandarin dan kata pengghubung “ dengan ” dalam bahasa Indonesia pada mahasiswa semester 2 program studi pendidikan bahasa mandarin Universitas X Surabaya

Olivia Meliana (Chinese Language)
This thesis is about the error analysis of using the word structural "得" as a compliment in Chinese language and the conjunction word "dengan" in Indonesian language. The authors chose to examine this problem because the author is aware of students who learn Chinese language seldom use “ 得” as compliment of state, so they make so many mistakes in using it.
In this thesis, the author selects 30 students of semester 2 Chinese language major in X University Surabaya to become the subject of research. To solve this problem, writer analyzed the different using methods through the comparison of “ 得” as compliment of state in Chinese language and "dengan" word in Indonesian language, and compared the differences and similarities of both words, also analyzed the mistakes and the causes of the mistakes. The author also analyzed the mistakes and the causes of the mistakes.
Writer wrote this thesis in order to give some references for X University students in learning Chinese language and hopefully this thesis can help Chinese Language teacher in Indonesia to solve the mistakes exist in teaching Chinese language, how to use an effective teaching method, design a suitable grammar exercise, and let the students master this grammar appropriately.

Sk. BT Mel 33 2014
Sk. BT Mel 33 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 47 hal; 29cm