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Keefektivitas penerapan metode Total Pshysical Response terhadap pembelajaran bahasa mandarin kompetensi mendengar dan berbicara pada siswa kelas IVA SDK. St. Lorent Surabaya


Mandarin is one of the most spoken languages in the world. This study research is written to know the result of applying Total Physical Response method in learning Mandarin listening and conversation at St. Lorent Elementary School IVa class Surabaya.
Total Physical Response method is a very easy and simple method of language uses and also contains elements of movement and game, so it will be very interesting and can relieve students’ stress because of the problems in their learning process, especially when learning a foreign language. Moreover, this method can also create students’ positive mood, so it will automatically facilitate learning process, so that can improve students motivation and achievement in this subjects. Therefore, to examine the results of applying this methods, writer applies this method in the process of learning Mandarin listening and conversation at St. Lorent Elementary School IVA class Surabaya.
Through the evaluation result in this research, can be seen that the application of these method gave a positive result. In fact, out of 26 students in IVA class, there are always more than 90% of students passed. It can be concluded that the application of the Total Physical Response method is very effective for learning Mandarin listening and conversation at St. Lorent Elementary School IVA class Surabaya.

Sk. BT Nov 29 2014
Sk. BT Nov 29 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 77 hal; 29cm