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Efektivitas penggunaan media flash card dalam pemahaman kosakata bahsa mandarin untuk siswa kelas III D SD Gloria 3 Surabaya

Novia Verawati Santosa (Chinese Language)
From the observation, many students think that learning Chinese is difficult, one of the reasons is because its vast vocabulary they need to remember. Actually, in education world there are so many learning media factors that can improve the student ability that are power point media and flash card media
Based on the above reasons, the research develop the final project to take one of the language learning media, the flash card media. The little taken for this thesis is “The effectiveness of the understanding of Chinese vocabulary for the III D elementary student Gloria 3 Surabaya.
From the pretest and post test evaluation results, can be seen that the pre test passing result percentage of class III D is 26,08%, while the post test passing result percentage of class III D is 69,59%, This way proven through the students final test, of 23 students there are 14 students meet SKBM and only 9 students who did not pass. which is considered quite effective ```Flash card media is quite effective in Chinese language learning.

Sk. BT San 27 2014
Sk. BT San 27 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 80 hal; 29cm