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Analisis kesalahan penggunaan kata penyangkal 不 “Bu” dan 没 “Mei” pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Kristen Gloria II Surabaya

Dewi Ayuningsih Santoso (Chinese Language Education)

Nowadays Chinese language has become an International Language that everyone need for if they want to compete in a professional career path. It has triggered both states and private school in Indonesia raced to include Chinese language in their curriculum as a compulsory course. It also applies at Gloria 2 Christian Junior High School, Surabaya.
The problem encountered by many schools including SMP Kristen Gloria 2 Surabaya is that most of the students are facing difficulties in learning and understanding Chinese Language. One of the problem is how to use denying word 不 “bù” and 没 “méi” correctly. In Indonesian “tidak” is the common denying word which people usually used, whereas 不 “bù” and 没 “méi”, both if them have this meaning. This caused many Indonesian student do mistakes when they using 不 “bù” and 没 “méi”.
Through observation, interview, and evaluation to the eight grade students of Gloria 2 Christian Junior High School, the writer collected data and analyzed the mistakes that students do when using 不 “bù” and 没 “méi”.
The writer hope the result of this research can become useful for people who teach Chinese Languge to Indonesian students, especially for the usage of 不 “bù” and 没 “méi”, and can also be a reference for other researcher who interest in the same topic in the future.

Sk. BT San 21 2014
Sk. BT San 21 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 43 hal; 29cm