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Efektivitas metode Drill dan Role-Playing terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas IV SD YPPI II Surabaya


Vincentius Mario Paulus (Mandarin Language Education)

Language learning and teaching is learning how to communicate by using its language. Teacher as the instructor of the class also needs the effective methods to communicate with the students. In this research at the YPPI II Elementary School of Surabaya, writer chose to examine the application of the incorporation of teaching methods, the method of drill and role-playing in the Mandarin teaching and learning of fourth grade students in the school. The writer wants to know, as well as to explain and measure the effectiveness of the method of drill and role-playing in the Mandarin teaching and learning for fourth grade students at YPPI II Elementary School Surabaya. This research method use the qualitative and quantitative methods as the design. The qualitative is collecting data from the observation in the class and through the interview. In another side, the quantitative is collecting data through the conversation tests as the evaluation of that the writer has designed before.
Based on the evaluation results, it can be seen that of the total number of fourth grade students who are 32 students, all students in the classroom reach the standard scores in conversation in the first and second tests. The standard scores or competency standards of the school is 75 (seventy five). The first and the second percentage of the passing scores shown results is one-hundred percents that show the effectivity of drill method and role-playing as the teaching strategy has a good impa ct. And through each evaluation average scores of the homogenities testing results can be concluded that the combining method of the method of drill and role-playing has positive effect in the Mandarin teaching and learning for fourth grade students at YPPI II Elementary School Surabaya.

Sk. BT Pau 19 2014
Sk. BT Pau 19 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 53 hal; 29cm