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Penggunaan Repetition Drill dan Game dalam pengajaran bahasa mandarin tentang alat transportasi pada siswa kelas III SD YPPI Surabaya


Sudono Noto Pradono (Chinese Language Education)
Mandarin is one of compulsory subjects at YPPI II Elementary School Surabaya. This research report is written to know about the result of the evaluation of students grade III of YPPI II Elementary School after they are taught means of transportation in Mandarin language by using repetition drill and game. The use of these two activities in order that the process of teaching learning becomes more interesting.
Based on the result of the evaluation, it can be seen that from the total of 16 students of grade III, there are 4 students who could not reach the minimum passing standart and 12 students who could reach the minimum passing standart. Therefore, the degree of success of students by using repetition drill and game is 75%. Through this result of evaluation in this report, it can be seen that the repetition drill and game have a good effect in studying Mandarin about means of transportation. This result can be better if the teaching is designed appropriately based on the objective of teaching.

Sk. BT Pra 14 2014
Sk. BT Pra 14 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 54 hal; 29cm