Detail Cantuman Kembali


Aplikasi sistem ekspedisi menggunakan Algoritma Greedy

The increasing number of services available at the expedition lately made a very big interest of consumers to use the services of the expedition because consumers can send goods at affordable prices and shipping delays caused by the lack of delivery of the goods using a vehicle that is adapted to the distance and delivery time . Forwarding services provider does not have a system to schedule delivery of the goods which can save costs , especially in a way to optimize spacewith a loading capacity of goods to be shipped.
To solved this problem, there is a Greedy Algorithm, which is able to optimize the system capacity and effectiveness unloading freight trips, by calculating the distance and volume. The system is also processed by calculating the gain, weight, and density of the goods, in order to get maximum results.
The final results obtained from this system is the determination of which goods will be selected to be sent based on profit, weight, and density. And put in an expedition vehicle based on distance and volume. If the delivery system in each vehicle load can be optimized, it can save the cost of transportation, which is a benefit of the service providers this expedition.

Sk. Inf Mul 96 2014
Sk. Inf Mul 96 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 119 hal; 29cm