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Sistem informs pengelolahan jabatan fungsional dosen berbasis web


Functional position of lecturer is held faculty positions associated with rank and salary. The functional position of national or recognized in Indonesia. To have a functional position, the faculty as a professor required in university for at least 2 years. Stewardship functional position nationally recognized lecturer has been updated rules, and follow the new regulations that rule the State apparatus utilization ministerial bureaucracy and reform the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2013 on the functional position of lecturer and credit numbers.
Applications to be built associated with functional positions nationwide lecturer aims to assist the teachers who want to take care of rank online. This application is useful for faculty gather the necessary documents, and can judge for yourself the number of credits that have been achieved. In addition, this application also as faculty resources as PAK team can oversee this application, can see the complete archive that has been collected by the faculty, and to provide information relevant to the faculty member listed.
With this application, is expected to assist the faculty in the care of its functional position. So that the lecturers do not need to spend too much for the team to PAK, because it can see related information over the web.

Sk. Inf Sap 95 2014
Sk. Inf Sap 95 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xii, 90 hal; 29cm