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Penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi berbasis komputer dengan menggunakan Canned Software (Accurate Accounting) pada bagian penjualan (Studi kasus di Resto Nasi Bebek Pak Janggut)

In the course of business activities in the field of culinary, sales recording systems have an important role in the business activities. While demand the availability of timely and accurate information that is needed by many parties, so it is necessary to have an accounting information system that can process data that is needed to produce a useful accounting information to many parties. The purpose of this study is to assist and facilitate the performance of business activities, in particular for recording the results of the sales process more quickly, easily and accurately because of the control data more presentable, the error rate can be minimized.
Resto Nasi Bebek Pak Janggut engaged in culinary, in an attempt to sell food and beverages shall record the results of transactions every day. Therefore, the researchers applied a computer-based accounting information system to replace the manual recording system to perform system analysis, conceptual design (Flowchart), and database design (Accurate).
Computer-based Accounting Information System is the right solution to overcome the errors that occur in manual recording, because the computerized system is able to optimize the performance systematically so as to produce the required information and reports a rapid, precise and accurate. The application also have a positive impact on the company's internal control system so as to minimize the possibility of fraud. Researchers also advise the business activities in order to put on the computer-based information systems, thereby reducing the occurrence of human error so that the resulting reports are more competent, more complete and can be used to analyze the performance of the company and all operations can be carried out effectively and efficiently.

Sk. Ak Har 98 2014
Sk. Ak Har 98 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvii, 101 hal; 29cm