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Pengaruh produk, promosi, merek, desain produk dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian motor Honda Beat-FI

The research aims to find out whether the product, promotional, branding, product design and princing of the Honda BEAT-FI motorcycle purchasing decisions is Surabaya North and analysis used is multiple regression analysis with uji F and uji t that aims to know partially variable, simultaneous and dominant.The population in this research is the consumer who bought and used Honda BEAT-FI motorcycle parking in the area North of Surabaya. Samples taken as many as 105 respondents by using accident sampling techniques.The authors suggested that the hypothesis variable which consist of product, promotional, branding, product design and princing take effect simultaneously against Honda BEAT-FI motorcycle purchasing decisions in Surabaya North has been proven. The can be proved by using the uji F where the result obtained Fhitung 22.244 > 2.31 Ftabel the Ho denied Hi received so that it can be said that the variable product, promotional, branding, product design and price simultaneously influence on purchasing decisions.The author suggested that the hypothesis variable which consist of product, promotional, branding, product design and price effect partially against the Honda BEAT-FI motorcycle purchasing decisions in Surabaya North. it is well known that the variable value products thitung -2.163
Eka Yuliana (11110047) - Personal Name
Sk. Eko Yul 180 2014
Sk. Eko Yul 180 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvii, 128 hal; 29cm