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Analisis rasio keuangan terhadap kinerja keuangan pada perusahaan PT. ACE Hardware TBK

Profitability ratio is a ratio to measure a company's ability to earn a profit. the more profitability that they earn it indicates a better performance of the company. good performance not only be seen from the level of profitability but also must be able to manage it well. good capital management will facilitate the activities of the company in an effort to achieve profitability. companies also need to pay attention to the components in the capital and its effects on liquidity. it is intended that the company still exists in the world of business.
PT. Ace Hardware is good enough to generate profits and efficient from the calculation of gross profit margin has increased well from year to year. only in 2011 had sales cost is too high. Net profit margin, return on assets and return on equity generated is pretty good company and volatile. despite a decline in 2010 due to the burden of others are too big, but over a years it will continues to increase. Curent ratio and quick ratio PT. Ace Hardware Tbk is below standard likuidity ratios it show that it’s not going well. Current ratio and quick ratio PT. Ace Hardware Tbk is below standard liquidity ratios it show that it's not going well.
Rotation that Pt ace hardware's produced are good although there is a decrease in 2010 seen from the rotational aktiva. Due not to a maximum of corporate sales compared with asset wealth. Similar things happened in rotation setup continues to decline each year. on total debt to assets Pt ace hardware tbk still have a debt liability increased every year. while debt to equity Pt. Ace hardware tbk year 2009-2013 also experienced the same thing,decreasing every year. it is bound to influence corporate performance in the following year.

Sk. Eko Tja 179 2014
Sk. Eko Tja 179 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 95 hal; 29cm