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Pengaruh merek, kualitas produk, harga, distribusi, dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian kabel, merek badalex di PT. Rama Duta Angkasa

This study aims to determine whether the brand, product quality, price, distribution and promotion influence on purchase decisions badalex brand cable in PT.RADA and analysis used is multiple regression analysis with F test and T test which aims to determine the partial variables, simultaneous and dominant.
The population in this study is that consumers who purchase the brand badalex and aged 20 years or older. Samples were taken of 73 respondents of whom use this cable in retail by using a convenience sampling technique or taken in a manner which is preferred by us.
Hypothesis authors suspect that the independent variables consisting of the brand, product quality, price, distribution and promotion of the simultaneous influence on purchasing decisions in PT.RADA badalex brand cable has been proven. This can be proved by using the F test where the results obtained, namely 55,247 F count> F table 2.21 then Ho is rejected Hi received so that it can be said that the variable brand, product quality, price, distribution and promotion simultaneously influence the purchase decision.
Hypothesis authors suspect that the independent variables consisting of the brand, product quality, price, distribution and promotion of partial effect on purchasing decisions badalex brand cable has been known that the variable value brand tcount -1.154 ttable 1.930 and -0.179 promotional tcount>ttable 1.930.
Variables are the dominant influence on purchasing decisions is price variable (X3) because it has the Standardized Beta Coefficients 0,504 other than the independent variable so that it can be seen that the dominant effect on the price variable, thus it can not be assumed prove the hypothesis that predominantly affect product quality.

Sk. Eko Tan 176 2014
Sk. Eko Tan 176 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xii, 84 hal; 29cm