Detail Cantuman Kembali


Pengaruh Produk, Harga, Promosi, Merek dan Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) Aqua Galon Di Surabaya


The business of bottled water is more appealing.The need for drinking water continues to increase with population growth. In addition, today's society is more practical to live that is no longer the cooking water. Society simply chooses bottled drinking water which can be directly drunk and high quality. The company of the business of bottled drinking water even more and more and continue to expand the network to expand the market of its products. Business of bottled water continues to grow along with the population growth and the demands of a healthier lifestyle. Demand for bottled water continues to rise, reaching an average rate of 10% per year.
Hypothesis authors suspect that the independent variable (X), which consists of (X 1)
product, (X 2) price, (X 3) promotion, (X 4)brand, and (X 5)simultaneously affect services (collectively equal) to the purchasing decision-gallon bottled water brand Aqua in East Surabaya has been proven. This can be proved by using the f test, where the results obtained are indicates the number fcount 101,820 > f table 2.30 this means that H 0 is rejected and H 1 is accepted. It can be concluded that the variable (X 1) product, (X 2) price, (X 3) promotion, (X 4) brand, and (X 5) services, simultaneously affect the decision (Y) purchase.
Hypothesis authors suspect that the independent variable (X), which consists of (X 1)
product, (X 2) price, (X 3) promotion, (X 4) brand, and (X 5) simultaneously affect service (collectively equal) to (Y) purchasing decisions gallon bottled water brand Aqua in East Surabaya has been proven. Product (X 1)tcount (9,008)>ttable (1.983), price (X 2)tcount (-2,604) < ttable (1.983), promotion (X 3)tcount (0,417)ttable (1.983), services (X 5)tcount (1,810)< ttable (1.983). Variable dominant influence on purchasing decisions is product variable because it has the highest standard beta coefficient in 0.623 than the other independent variables so that it can be seen that the product is a variable that affects the dominant then the third hypothesis is proven.

Sk. Eko Sap 175 2014
Sk. Eko Sap 175 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 120 hal; 29cm