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Pengaruh produk, promosi, lokasi, harga, brand terhadap keputusan pembelian sepatu basket Adidas di Hoops Galaxi Mall Surabaya


Almost every people in the world have known the product of Adidas basketball shoes, especially basketball players and basketball shoes collectors. The reason behind it is because Adidas basketball shoes have a lot of appealing type and it makes people feel comfort when using it. Comfort is one of the important things in the usage of basketball shoes so that when it is used in a basketball game it won’t bother the comfort of the user.
In this study, researcher analyzed the impact of Product, Promotion, Location, Price, and Brand toward customer decision in purchasing Adidas basketball shoes at HOOPS Galaxy Mall Surabaya.
The result from this study is data from the questionnaire that is obtained from the linear regression analysis that is tested using SPSS ver20.0 for Windows. Hypothesis for this study can be seen from the simultaneous, partial, and dominant effects towards customer decision in purchasing Adidas basketball shoes at HOOPS Galaxy Mall Surabaya. The standardized beta coefficients for each variable are as follow X1(0.3685), X2(0.1996), X3(2.160), X4(2.902), X5(0.809). From that hypothesis, variable Brand(X5) is not dominant, while the dominant variable is variable Location(X3) that can be seen from the standardized beta coefficient which is 2.160

Sk. Eko Ira 172 2014
Sk. Eko Ira 172 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvi, 105 hal; 29cm