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Analisis optimasi portofolio di pasar modal Indonesia (PT Semen Indonesia TBK dan PT Holcim Indonesia TBK)


Port-folio consists of an investment made my investors to be verified to reduce its risks. Port-folio is also used to maximize the return gained. Thus, an analysis is needed to reach an optimal port-folio. In this case, to be optimal in stock investment where maximized profit can be got by using fundamental and tecnical analysis technics.
This research takes 2 (two) Basic Industry and Chemicals (Cement) companies. The first is PT Semen Indonesia Tbk and the second is PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. The reason why this research uses two same companies is: (as an investor) 1. We are able to find out which one is better by comparing their finance report (fundamental analysis), stock value movement graph (tecnical analysis), and also their economic condition. Calculations that used to use is Earning Per Share, Return On Asset, Debt Equity Ratio, Return On Equity, and Net Profit Margin.
In conclusion, this research finds out that PT Semen Indonesia Tbk is better than PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk by considering from some ration such as Earning Per Share, Return On Asset, Debt Equity Ratio, Return On Equity, and Net Profit Margin. In addition to forming the optimal port-folio shares in the Indonesian capital market should be done by the investors to analyze stock price movements should use both techniques at the same time the techniques fundamental analysis and technical analysis techniques. Techniques to analyze stocks with fundamental analysis, investors should not only focus on financial ratios contained in the report of the company's financial performance but must perform economic analysis, and company analysis. While the techniques to analyze stocks with technical analysis, especially for novice investors can only use one indicator alone in making investment decisions for each characteristic indicators in predicting stock price movements can different.

Roy Sianto (11110055) - Personal Name
Sk. Eko Sia 171 2014
Sk. Eko Sia 171 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvi, 109 hal; 29 cm