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Pengaruh merek, motivasi, presepsi, keyakinan, dan sikap pelanggan terhadap keputusan pembelian air minum isi ulang biru di cabang Mulyosari Surabaya


In the purchase decision, consumers see from the various variables. In a previous study revealed that the purchase decision is influenced by the perception of Advertising, Motivation, Attitude consumers. In this study thought the purchasing decisions affected by Brands, motivation, perception, beliefs and attitudes. By using the data obtained from the 100 respondents, this study aims to determine the effect of simultaneous, partial, and dominant among variables Brands (X 1), Motivation (X 2), Perception (X 3), beliefs and attitudes (X 4) to purchasing decisions refill Biru drinking water in branch Mulyosari Surabaya (Y).
In this study, a statistical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis is by using SPSS version 20.0 for windows. The hypothesis in this study is to see the effect of simultaneous, partial, and dominant on purchasing decisions refill Biru drinking water in branch Mulyosari Surabaya. Of the three hypotheses were initially suspected that the beliefs and attitudes is dominant variable, after the author conducted research it turns out the allegations are not true and in fact dominant perception variables.
So the conclusion of this research is variable Brands (X 1), Motivation (X 2), Perception (X 3), Beliefs and attitudes (X 4) effect simultaneously with the value calculated F 14,110 > 2:47 and also partially due to the variable influence Brand (X 1) had t value (1,895) < t table (1.985), motivation variable (X 2) had t value (0893) < t table (1.985), perception variable (X3) had t value (4,685) > t table (1985), Confidence and attitude variables (X 4) had t value (2.012) > t table (1.985) to the Consumer Buying Decision refill Biru drinking water in branch Mulyosari Surabaya (Y). And in this study, the most dominant variable is perception variable (X 3) with the value of the highest standardized beta coefficients is equal to 0.470, which means the drinking water refill business, consumer is more give attention to perception variable.

Sk. Eko Ver 169 2014
Sk. Eko Ver 169 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 125 hal; 29 cm