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Pengaruh harga, kualitas, produk, promosi, lokasi, dan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian di toko New Apollo Bojonegoro

Lately, fashion in Indonesian has developed significantly although some international influence can still be seen. This situation is caused by the reality that the fashion worn by Indonesians are modern ones which come from western countries.IN this research, there are some factors which are believed to affect New Apollo Store, Bojonegoro customers purchasing decisions such as Price (X1), Quality (X2), Promotion (X3), Location (X4), and Brand (X5). The samples used in this research are 100 respondents who are customers of New Apollo Store, Bojonegoro. The data is processed into double linear regression using questionairs as helping tools.
The conclusion of this research which is the data obtained from the questioners is processed to obtain doubled linear regression analysis using SPPS version 20.0 for Windows program. Conclusion of this research is variable Price (X1), Quality (X2), Promotion (X3), Location (X4), and Brand (X5) effect simultaneously with the value calculated F 53.549> 2.31 table F and also partially due to the variable influence Price (X1) had tvalue (12.011)> ttable (1.984), Quality variable (X2) had tvalue (-1.108)< ttable (1.984), Promotion variable (X3) had –tvalue (- 2.360)< -ttable (1.984), Location variable (X4) had –tvalue (2.799)> -ttable (1.984), and Brand variable (X5) had tvalue (1.451)< ttable (1.984) to the Customers Purchasing Decision in New Apollo Store, Bojonegoro (Y). The hypothesis of this research is used to see the influence of each simultan dan dominance to the costumers’ purchasing decisions in New Apollo Store. From two hypotheses made before, one cannot be proved where the Price variable (X1) dominantly affected with the highest Standardized Coefficient Beta (β) 0.762, whereas Quality variable (X2) didn’t affect dominantly.

Sk. Eko Pra 168 2014
Sk. Eko Pra 168 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 120 hal; 29cm