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Pengaruh produk , harga, promosi, distribusi, dan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian oli Top 1 di Mojokerto

Top1 oil is oli synthetic who first marketed in indonesia hence some years ago top1 oil be loved by many consumers.Because in the days of his oil was olibest.This research on suspected affect decision purchase, namely products, price, promotion distribution and brand of the decision purchase top 1 oil in mojokerto areas.
The Samples worn in this research is 100 respondents buy and uses top1 oil in mojokerto areas for research.To be processed in a multiple linear regression using the tools that the questionnaire.
Conclusion of this research is that the data from these questionnaires was processed to get a linear multiple regression analysis through SPSS ver 20.0 program for windows.The hypothesis of this research is to look at the influence of simultaneous, partial, and dominant against TOP 1 Oil purchasing decisions in Mojokerto. With the value of the Standartdized variable on the X 1 Beta Coefficient (0,145), x 2 (0.20), X 3 (0,550), X 4 (0,344), X 5 (-0.23% ). The third hypothesis, a hypothesis is not proven, that the variable promotion (X 3) dominant with influential Coefficient Beta Standartdized value highest i.e. 0.550.

Sk. Eko Har 166 2014
Sk. Eko Har 166 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvii, 112 hal ; 29cm