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Pengaruh produk, harga, lokasi, promosi penjualan dan kualitas layanan terhadap minat beli produk akses layanan internet speedy di Surabaya.

The existence of the development of internet data distribution to the public has an effect on the importance of an internet access service provider company for paying attention to the product marketing strategy. Speedy is one brand of internet access service products available in Indonesia. Buying interest of customers a little bit is influenced by factors of product, price, location, sales promotion and service quality.
This research uses five variables (X), namely Product (X1), Price (X2), Location (X3), Sales Promotion (X4), and Service Quality (X5), and variable (Y) that is Speedy Buying Interest in Surabaya with a population that is all the people who have used Speedy and are using it in East Surabaya and Central Surabaya. The measurement of data used is with Validity Test, Reliability Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Determination, F Test (Test Simultaneously), and t Test (Test Partially). From the result of the research of the research , it is concluded that the validity and reliability of data has been fulfilled. From Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, it is obtained a modeling; that is Y = 0,818 + 0,121 (X1) + 0,203 (X2) + -0,027 (X3) + 0,288 (X4) + 0,253 (X5). Multiple Correlation Coefficient (R) obtained is 0,742. From the Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R2), the result is 55%. From F Test (Test Simultaneously), the result Fcount22,975 > 2,32Ftable. Thus, it can be said that the variables of Product (X1), Price (X2), Location (X3), Sales Promotion (X4), and Service Quality (X5) simultaneously have a significant effect on Speedy Buying Interest in Surabaya. From the result of t Test (Test Partially), it is obtained result; that are variable of Product (X1) with tcount1,294 ttable 2,000.Location (X3) with tcount -0,301 ttable 2,000.Service Quality (X5) with tcount 2,961 >ttable2,000.Based on the five result, it can be concluded on Speedy Buying Interest in Surabaya, while the variables of Product and Location do not have a partial effect on Speedy Buying Interest in Surabaya. The variable which has a dominant effect in Speedy Buying Interest in Surabaya is Sales Promotion with the largest beta value that is 0,288.
Keywords: Product, Price, Location, Sales Promotion, Service Quality, Buying Interest.
Sk.Eko San 163 2014
Sk.Eko San 163 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika