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Speech Acts of The Characters Dialogue in Snow White Story by Sunny Breaks Version


Rosalina Theresia. 2014. Speech Acts of The Characters Dialogue in Snow White Story by Sunny Breaks Version. S-1 Thesis. English Department of Widya Kartika University Surabaya. Advisor I: Drs. Triyanto Siswantono, M.Pd., Advisor II: Yulius Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The title of research is “Speech Acts of The Characters Dialogue in Snow White Story by Sunny Breaks Version”. The reason why to deal with speech acts because writer wants to show the speech acts such as the locution, illocution and perlocution of the characters dialogue in Snow White story. The writer decided to choose Snow White dialogue and she used Sunny Breaks version which is written by Lachlan. The writer conducts the research with some research questions, i.e. What is speech act performed by the all characters of Snow White dialogue by Sunny Breaks version?, How is speech act applied in Snow White dialogue by Sunny Breaks version?. And How many fragments containing of effective communication and ineffective communication?. The research purposes are to investigate the speech acts that is in the Snow White by Sunny breaks version. The scope of this study is the writer wants to discuss about speech act through Snow White dialogue by Sunny Breaks Version. However, the writer gets the locution, illocution and perlocution in every fragment and she also finds that in script of Snow White dialogue by Sunny Breaks version have an effective communication and ineffective communication.

Key words: Speech acts, Characters dialogue, Snow White story, Snow White dialogue

Sk.Ing Ros 20 2014
Sk.Ing Ros 20 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika