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Portrayal of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion Drama in Stephen King’s The Green Mile.


Radix, Irene Natania. 2014. Portrayal of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion Drama in Stephen King’s The Green Mile. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. FD Kurnia, M.Pd. and Advisor II: Nopita Trihastutie, S.S., M.A. English Department. Faculty of Language Education and Letters. Widya Kartika University. Surabaya.

This thesis is an observation and analysis of Stephen King’s The Green Mile. The portrayal of Jesus Christ and His crucifixion drama in The Green Mile by the main character, John Coffey, are chosen to be analyzed because in the 19th century, it is said that God disappeared from literature. John Coffey as the main character is found that he is a prisoner who has magical healing power which is analyzed in this thesis. The purpose of this study is to figure out how the portrayal of Jesus Christ and His crucifixion drama in The Green Mile. By answering the questions, it will be able to know whether The Green Mile by John Coffey and his surroundings portray Jesus Christ and His crucifixion drama or not. In analyzing, literary approach in form of Hermeneutics and Reader’s Response approaches are used. The related literature used is character, characterization, symbolism theory. In analysis, it is managed to figure out that John Coffey and his surroundings portray Jesus Christ and His crucifixion drama. This analysis results in a conclusion that John Coffey and his surroundings portray Jesus Christ and His crucifixion drama. Jesus Christ as the representation of God does not disappear from literary works.

Key Words: portrayal, Stephen King, The Green Mile.

Sk.Ing Rad 18 2014
Sk.Ing Rad 18 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika