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Code-Switching and Code-Mixing of Local English Teachers of Tenth Grade English Classes at Stella Maris Catholic Senior High School Surabaya.

Purwoko, Samantha. 2014. Code-switching and Code-mixing of Local English Teachers of Tenth Grade English Classes at Stella Maris Catholic Senior High School Surabaya. S1. Thesis. English Department Faculty of Language Education and Letters. Widya Kartika University Surabaya. Advisor I: Drs. Triyanto Siswantono, M.Pd. Advisor II: Yulius Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Nowadays, many people had already mastered two or more languages. Therefore, many people tend to do code-switching and code-mixing when they communicate with other people. In this study, such phenomenon occurred in English class. The writer analyzed the types of codes that the local English teachers switch or mix during teaching and learning activities in tenth grade English classes. Then, the writer investigated the reasons of using those code-switching and code-mixing. To find out the types of codes, code-switching, and code-mixing, the writer analyzed the two local English teachers’ utterances through the transcriptions of the videos. Besides, the writer also gave questionnaires for the two local English teachers to know their reasons of using those code-switching and code-mixing. After doing the analysis, the results showed that the first local English teacher used more intersentential switching while the second local English teacher used more emblematic switching. Nevertheless, both of them used intrasentential mixing. It was also found that the two local English teachers mostly used code-switching and code-mixing to help the students can easily understand the material that being discussed in the class. From this study, it can be inferred that the two local English teachers realized the importance of using code-switching and code-mixing in tenth grade English classes, in order to make the students easily grab the comprehension of the material.
Key words: code, code-switching, code-mixing
Sk.Ing Pur 17 2014
Sk.Ing Pur 17 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika