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Figurative Languages Used In The English Advertisement On Internet Mass Media In Indonesia.

Fei Li, Ong. 2014. Figurative Languages Used in the English Advertisements on Internet Mass Media in Indonesia. S-1 Thesis. English Department of Faculty of Language Education and Letters. Widya Kartika University Surabaya. Advisor I: Drs. Triyanto Siswantono, M. Pd., Advisor II: Yulius Kurniawan, S. Pd., M. Pd.

The title of the study is “Figurative Languages Used in the English Advertisements on Internet Mass Media in Indonesia.” The writer decided to choose advertisement because nowadays figurative language used in the advertisement and it can create more imaginative aspects in advertising. The writer conducts the study with some research questions, i.e. types of figurative
languages used in the English advertisements on internet mass media in Indonesia and the meanings of figurative languages used in the English advertisements on internet mass media in Indonesia. The research purposes are to seek types of figurative languages used in the English advertisements on internet mass media in Indonesia and to describe their meaning. The writer limited her subject of observation only on figurative languages in the twenty advertisements of various products sold in Indonesia that use English and are published on the internet from
1990s until now. From the analysis, the writer can conclude that personification is figurative language which is mostly used in the twenty English advertisements selected on internet mass media in Indonesia. Second conclusion is most of the advertisements which use figurative languages are seemingly have implied meaning that the products they offered are the best product and they are also likely want to invite people to buy their products.
Key words: Figurative languages, English advertisements, products, internet mass media

Ong Fei Li ( 61410043 ) - Personal Name
Sk.Ing Ong 16 2014
Sk.Ing Ong 16 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika