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Analisis Pengaruh Utilitarian Value, Hedonic Value, Perceived Benefit, Perceived Risk dan Purchase Experience Terhadap Intention To Use Internet For Purchase pada situs di Surabaya.


One of the largest trading forums in Indonesia are Kaskus. Kaskus is the largest virtual community forum sites and Indonesian people who used that called Kaskuser. Kaskus is claimed to be the largest site in Indonesia needs to continue and be able to increase consumer purchase intention of buying and selling on the forumand then it should know a variety of online consumer purchase patterns.Based on Kim et al., (2004) that there are many variables that influence online purchase intentions, ie:utilitarian value of internet information search, hedonic value of internet information search, perceived benefit of internet shopping, perceived risk of internet shopping, andpurchase experience become the best predictor forintention to use internet for information purchase.The purpose of this study was to sell influenceutilitarian value of internet information search, hedonic value of internet information search, perceived benefit of internet shopping, perceived risk of internet shopping, andpurchase experience become the predictor yang baik untuk intention to use internet for information purchase to Intention to purchase pada toko online buying and selling forum on kaskus.
The design of this study is causal research that explain the causal relationship is the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The independent variables include: five latent exogenous: Utilitarian Value of Internet Information Search, Hedonic Value of Internet Information Search, Perceived Benefit of Internet Shopping, Perceived Risk of Internet Shopping, and Purchase Experience.The dependent variable is Intention To purchase.The total sample of 100. Technique of data analysis is linear regression.
The result of this study indicate shows that utilitarian value (X1), hedonic value (X2), perceived benefit (X3), perceived risk (X4), andpurchase experience (X5) significant effect on intention to purchase. Partial test showed that there are significant hedonic value of internet information search, perceived benefit of internet shopping, perceived risk of internet shopping, dan purchase experience be a good predictor for intention to use internet for information purchasetoIntention to purchase online store at kaskus trading forums. While the variable has no effect is utilitarian value.

Key Word: utilitarian value of internet information search, hedonic value of internet information search, perceived benefit of internet shopping, perceived risk of internet shopping, purchase experience.
Sk.Eko Ted 162 2014
Sk.Eko Ted 162 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv,105hal.; 29cm.