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The impact of racial discrimination reflected in John Grisham’s a time to kill.


Racism is a global problem that still has not been resolved. Through the racism, it develops into a behavior called racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is a result of racism where the forms are the act that distinguishing or classifying a person according to his race. The development of this racism as phenomena in the society expanded slowly and eventually, appointed to be one of the backgrounds of a literary work, and one of them was novel. One of the novels that used a background of racism, particularly between black and white is entitled A Time to Kill. Through this novel, it will be discussed the form of racial discrimination and the racial discrimination that affecting on a person psychologically. As a method to analyze some of these problems, it will be used literary approach in the form of theories and hermeneutics. In analysis, those theories were used to discuss the form of racial discrimination that affecting the main character, classifying the form of racial discrimination that affects the main character, and then it was interpreted that racial discrimination affects toward the character changes as the psychological impact. Through that research, it would be proven that racial discrimination gave a psychological impact and resulting a characterization changes to person.

Keywords: racial discrimination, the impact.
Sonny Wibowo (61410014) - Personal Name
Sk.Ing Wib 13 2014
Sk.Ing Wib 13 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika