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The implications and moral values of racism in Alice Walker`s the color purple


Many people nowadays still stuck in racism. They still believe that someone is superior and other`s inferior based on race or skin. Further, it appeared the question about what are the implications of racism and also what are the moral values can be observed. This study tries to answer that entire question and with basic research design, content analysis and deconstruction. Discussing about society especially in racism, The Color Purple, written by Alice Walker, is chosen in this study. With this book, we could use it to study how and why racism still exists until now. Further, we could analyze to understand more about the implications of racism that could be derived into inequality justification and violence, also about racism itself. Not only ended in that section, we also could derive those outcomes into another circle of understanding known as moral values. With these moral values, people not only able to know what are the implications, but also the moral values can be implied in those acts such as moral subjectivism, cultural relativism and ethical egoism.

Key words: Racism, Implication, Moral Values

Sk.Ing Tam 12 2014
Sk.Ing Tam 12 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
ix, 43hal.; 29cm.