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A sociological condition and ITS effects towards main male and female character in Theodore dreiser’s sister carrie


In order to get their dream, many people will do everthing. Sometimes, they do not care about other feeling, thoughts and so on as long as they are able to get their dream. This condition appeared in one of the published book of Dreiser namely Sister Carrie. In Sister Carrie, there are main male and female characters that have their own dream. However, their journey in getting their dream, they had to face several American sociological conditions in that time. Through that condition, the writer was curious about what kind of American sociology conditions in that time were and how its effects to main male and female characters. Therefore, the discussion will be on the American sociology conditions in that time and the psychological effects of the nsociological condition towards main male and female characters. To discuss the problem, the writer will use several criticism for instance literary criticism, focusing on character and characterization; metaphor criticism; sociological criticism, focusing on marxist criticism by Karl Marx and psychology criticism, focusing on psychoanalysis theory, the power of social influence theory, neuroses theory, the schachter-singer theory of emotion and the theory of mood disorder. Then, in my finding, there were several metaphors such as city, factory life, and dress that made a social class systems in society. Moreover, the writer also found that individual thoughts had the big influence in society. Furthermore, those situations made main female character became a materialistic girl and finally found that she was alone, whereas main male characters became depressed and commit to suicide. In conclusion, because of their dream, they did everything without thinking another person feeling and thoughts. However, they were still not able to find their happiness because of their selfishness.
Key words: sociological condition, psychological, Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie.
Yuliana (61410006) - Personal Name
Sk.Ing Yul 11 2014
Sk.Ing Yul 11 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
vi, 59hal.; 29cm.