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Pengaruh marketing mix dan brand terhadap kepuasan konsumen di counter Giordano Galaxy Mall Surabaya

Giordano is one brand that is quite famous in Indonesia. Giordano brand comes from the State of China, China's State Giordano clothing is in the interest by consumers because Giordano clothing materials are very cold and the model is very simple and full color. Not only in the country of origin Giordano, in Indonesian, a lot of consumers who use the Giordano clothing. In this study thought to affect customer satisfaction, the Marketing Mix and Brand to consumer satisfaction in Galaxy Mall Surabaya Giordano counter.
The samples used in this study were 100 respondents in the counter consumer Giordano Galaxy Mall Surabaya during the study for the test in the multiple linear regression analysis using tools that questionnaire.
The conclusion of this study is data from this kueisioner processed to obtain multiple linear regression analysis test through SPSS ver 20.0 for windows. The hypothesis in this study to see the effect of simultaneous, partial and dominant on customer satisfaction in the Galaxy Mall Surabaya Giordano counter. In the highest value of the dominant influence Standartdized Beta in the variable X1 (0.671), X2 (0.002), X3 (0.33), X4 (-0.746), X5 (0.596). Of the three hypotheses, the hypothesis is proven. The variable product (X1) is dominant with the value Standartdized highest Beta coefficient is 0.671.
Key Word : Product, Price, Location, Promotion, Brand, Consumers Satisfaction Giordano Galaxy Mall Surabaya.

Sk.Eko Kur 158 2014
Sk.Eko Kur 158 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xvii,107hal.; 29 cm.