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Pengaruh produk, harga, promosi, lokasi dan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian mentega Blue Band di UD Denly

Margarine is one of the main ingredients for making pastries. Blue Band, a margarine brand, has long been known by people, and for such a reason the writer of this study chooses the brand as the subject of his study. The writer would like to investigate the underlying reasons of one's deciding to purchase the brand at UD DENLY. The writer proposes four factors; the product itself, the price, the promotion, the location and the brand.
The samples of this study are 100 buyers of Blue Band Margarine who purchase at least half a kilogram from UD Denly. The writer analyzes the data using double linear regression and a questionnaire as the research instruments. The statistics program the writer utilizes is SPSS ver 20.0 for Machintosh. The study aims at finding simultaneous, partial, and dominant factors that influence one's buying Blue Band margarine from UD DENLY.
Two out of the four hypotheses are proven. The "brand or (X5)" does not seem to be a strongly influential or dominant factor in one's deciding to purchase the item, but location (X4) turns out to be the most dominant factor with the value of Standardized Beta Coefficient of 0.450.
Keywords : Product, Price,Promotion, location, brand, buying decision, Blue Band, UD. DENLY

Kalvin Tan ( 11110060) - Personal Name
Sk.Eko Tan 157 2014
Sk.Eko Tan 157 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xviii,107hal.; 29 cm.