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Analisis rasio keuangan dalam menilai kinerja keuangan perusahaan rokok tercatat di BEI (HM> Sampoerna Tbk, Gudang Garam Tbk, Bentoel Tbk)

As we know today, competition in the business world is run by a tight. Competition in the company's business is divided into different types of competition, for example in terms of food, property and others. Given a lot of competition in the business world, then a lot of companies are racing to improve the performance of the company, Therefore, every stakeholder management first required to continue to maintain the viability of the company. Therefore the analysis of financial statements is necessary to measure the performance of the company.
In this study, researchers measured the financial performance of the Cigarette Company Listed on the Stock Exchange (HM Sampoerna Tbk, Gudang Garam Tbk, Bentoel Tbk) Year 2009-2013. by using financial ratios include profitability, Liquidity, and Solvency. Measurement of financial performance is to measure the financial performance of companies listed on the BEI.
Having analyzed the results of the study stated that the financial performance of PT HM Sampoerna very good when viewed from obtaining income and ability to pay off short-term debt and debt in terms of PT HM Sampoerna Tbk showed a positive state. For PT Gudang Garam Tbk quite well in profitability and the fulfillment pendeknyadan term debt in terms of debt also indicates that the state is still good. For very Tbk PT Bentoel showed very bad results. When viewed from the profits and debts.

Sk. Eko 151 And 2014
Sk. Eko 151 And 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xix, 148 hal. ; 29 cm.