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Pengaruh bauran promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian di resto Nikmat Sumbawa Besar

The culinary competition is getting tougher these days. Each company uses a variety of strategies that consumers are interested to come and consume its products
or services. One of the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions is the promotion mix. Promotion mix on purchase decisions in Resto Nikmat Sumbawa
Besar can be measured from some of variables, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Selling, and Direct Marketing.This study uses multiple regression as statistical tools with the number of
respondents 85 persons drawn using accidental sampling method. Hypothesis 1 is not rejected because there is a significant positive relationship between consumers
buying decision on promotion mix, hypothesis 2 is not rejected as Personal Selling, and Direct Marketing will influence consumers buying decision significantly,
however the other varibles does not influence consumers buying decision significantly. Hypothesis 3 is rejected as sales promotion does not influence consumers buying decision of products.expected in the future these two variables further strengthened so that the
consumers buying decision in Resto Nikmat Sumbawa Besar could continue to rise.
Keywords: Promotion Mix, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relation, Personal
Selling, Direct Marketing, Consumers Buying Decision

Sk. Eko Wij 148 2014
Sk. Eko Wij 148 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 112 hal. ; 29 cm.